Observe Lab

The main purpose of Observe Lab is to set up, record, observe and analyse usability studies, focus group and product testing.

The lab offers the possibility to analyse user interactions with different products as well as real-time observations on focus group studies. Based on state-of-the-art digital audio/video recording equipment, research tools and software, at Observe lab researchers and students can follow remotely and in real time user interactions or focus groups.

Interview with Stavis Solo, IT Consultant and manager of Digilabs:

Knowing how important is to researchers and students to conduct, capture and analyse valid data from focus groups, or user interactions, we use Morea Software - the latest usability tool and software in the market.

Technology and equipment

WhisperTranscriber: We are happy to announce the launch of our new automatic transcription service, designed to convert audio files from both Danish and English into written text for in-depth analysis using machine learning technology. This tool is ideal for researchers looking to transcribe research interviews, panel discussions, or other forms of auditory data.

The transcribed text is made available in four different user-friendly formats—JSON, Plain Text, Microsoft Word, and Timestamp file—making it compatible for perfect integration with NVivo for more comprehensive data analysis.

This new service has been developed by Kristian Sick from the Center for Tracking Society (CTS) at COMM and is initially available only for research purposes.

The service is currently accessible on a dedicated computer situated in Digi Labs, within the Observe Lab, Room 14-0-42. The service is managed by the lab manager, Stavris Solo.

Feel free to contact Stavris at (digilabs@hum.ku.dk) for further information regarding this new service.

Morae Software, is a tool for real-time observation and usability studies. With Morae software you can easily set up, record and observe focus group, usability studies or product testing. With Morae Software you can follow remotely the focus group and share insights with others instantly and anywhere.

Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and Tobii Pro Lab gives you the possibility to capture and analyse real-world data in natural environments. The Tobii Pro Glasses 2 is an independent device that allows you maximum mobility during the session study thanks to the SD card in the recording unit. With Tobi Pro Lab you can create complex experiments analyse the data collected, you can also use the software for statistics and a variety of visualizations

In the Observe Lab we have three eye tracking stations that can be used for research and student project. Two Tobii studio eye tracking devices with the software for creating and analyzing different experiments. Moreover we have also a station where Tobii 4C is intalled together with an SDK license for Python that gives you possibility to create your own eye tracking applications or games.

Create behavioural experiments using E-Prime. E-Prime software allows you to design and create behavioural experiments collect data and analyze them.  You can create the experiment without programming, just by drag and drop objects within the timeline. E-Prime provides millisecond precision timing to ensure the accuracy of your data. Furthermore, with the E-prime Tobii Extensions, you can design experiments that combine different type data, the user input data and eye tracking data. We have two types of E-Prime Licenses, a single license and a group license up to 25 people.