Master thesis project from Cognition and IT student

Lasse is a student from Cognition & IT, during the spring semester he was working on his master thesis project about Human Computing Interaction (HRI). 

As Lasse says, robots are soon to become part of our society and we need to explore and investigate how people feel and interact with humanoid robots?

 Lasse's project is about building a bridge of trust between humans and humanoid robots in HRI.

The thesis project takes in consideration a quiz game in order to test if the robots adapts its personality based on the trust perceived from the participant.

The robot uses gestures and speech recognition to convey its personality, the trust it’s measured through the willingness of the participant to follow the advice of the robot on a set of trivia questions, regardless of knowing the correct answer or no.

In the video below, you could see a small demonstration of Lasse's project.